Pod.disroot.org By zlax on 9th January 2021 12:58:10 AM
  1. (09:38:00) zlax: hello all, where i and to whom i could make a spam report from pod.disroot.org?
  2. (09:39:35) zlax: user https://pod.disroot.org/u/spacedream send spam to my posts
  3. (09:43:26) zlax: his activity crashed our server via outq overflow
  4. (09:46:12) zlax: I manually cleared the queue to block the spread of spam. There are more than 50 similar messages from this user:
  5. (09:47:29) zlax: https://ussr.win/link/5933938
  6. (09:49:35) zlax: antilopa: Muppeth: massimiliano: Your user has purposefully put pressure on the network. This led to a memory overflow and stoppage of our server. I had to manually delete the records that were being sent out so as not to retransmit them.
  7. This is not the first time that a user has done so (he used to do so from another pod). Will you take any action in connection with this?
  8. (14:58:55) Muppeth: zlax: will have a look. but your screenshots do not provide any info. one of your notifications but its unclear what it is, could be someone send few comments, the otherone is number of jobs in the queue server wide so also not pointing it to our pod exclusively. can you send link to the post you are reporting?
  9. (14:59:54) Muppeth: ah sorry isee you did link to the post
  10. (15:00:28) zlax: Muppeth: do you nedd examples of his spam (simillar messages without comment with political ads)?
  11. (15:02:21) zlax: Muppeth: He commented on about 50 posts in half an hour, and sending to my subscribers began.... i deleted the queue in the process. But all his comments were left on my server. I can show
  12. (15:03:12) Muppeth: i dont speak russian so dunno the context nor what he sends. cant you juat block him on your insance?
  13. (15:03:23) Muppeth: i will review your request though
  14. (15:04:41) zlax: Muppeth: https://ussr.win/link/5931389 , https://ussr.win/link/5933706 , https://ussr.win/link/5932674 , https://ussr.win/link/5932988 , https://ussr.win/link/5932755 etc etc
  15. (15:08:58) zlax: Muppeth:
  16. > cant you juat block him on your insance?
  17. First of all, i am against censorship. Secondly, he had already done it last year, but he changed the pod. He has many accounts and virtuals on different servers.  I can show some of his virtuals.
  18. (15:10:41) zlax: Muppeth: i am against censorship, but i am also against technical problems. Your user activities create targeted technical problems and undue strain on the network. Please tell me if you are going to do anything about it.
  19. (15:14:10) zlax: Muppeth: new message - https://ussr.win/link/5944170 - here he explaining his motivation on english if you need context
  20. (15:23:57) Muppeth: zlax, you have not provided any evidence of technical abuse. as for the context, well I dont wanto comment on that as I was called by you all sort of crazy shit so yeah I leave it. As I said I will look into this but i wonder, apart from some comments how is that a technological issue and how much just two tinfoil hat poeple that dont like eachother engage in smearing campaigns.
  21. (15:24:26) Muppeth: and yeah if you are against censorship why then you request me to shut him up (given this is not technological problem as there is no evidence of that).
  22. (15:32:28) zlax: > you have not provided any evidence of technical abuse.
  23. ????
  24. https://ussr.win/photo/38a897f0-8941-4051-9e1e-af1525d96d15-2.jpg
  25. Sending similar messages in a short period of time to single-user posts resulted in memory overflow and even swap server sections. An emergency reboot had to be undertaken. Do you need to look on logs of my server?
  26. >  I was called by you all sort of crazy shit so yeah I leave it
  27. I don't know what you're talking about. Please specify. I only have examples of you saying nasty things about me and subsequently refusing to answer my questions in this chat room, as well as in others: https://ussr.win/link/3443531
  28. > how much just two tinfoil hat poeple that dont like eachother engage in smearing campaigns.
  29. Two tinfoil hat people? Please specify who you are talking about. About spacedream and yourself?
  30. > and yeah if you are against censorship why then you request me to shut him up
  31. I am not asking you to shut him up. A ask you about will you take any action in connection with this incendent? Spam distribution from your server?
  32. I consider his messages in this case as spam. If necessary, i will manually collect for you links to all of his similar messages during this hour
  33. (15:34:27) Muppeth: EOT. as I said I will review your report when I have time.
  34. (15:37:54) zlax: antilopa: Fede: massimiliano:
  35. > how much just two tinfoil hat poeple that dont like eachother engage in smearing campaigns.
  36. If i understand correctly, Muppeth has again proved to be an amateur ideas of spammer (as in the previous case of Greta Tunberg's advertising agent in fediverse) - at least in matters of hatred towards me personally. I understand that he does not want to answer my questions as a matter of principle because he is in solidarity with the spammer, and again prefer irreponsibility to p2p dialogue.
  37. Please answer directly - will you do anything about this spam mailing incident from your server?
  38. (15:38:59) Muppeth: or he is sitting in pouring rain building a second floor of his house and wont just jump to solve your spammy issue.
  39. (15:39:07) Muppeth: i wasted on this too much time already anyway.
  40. (15:40:52) Muppeth: like i said, I will look into it when i can
  41. (15:41:00) zlax: Muppeth: Excellent. Is this the official response of your server administration to a spam message that causes technical problems for other servers? I take it that you will not do anything about it?
  42. (15:41:55) zlax: Muppeth: ok. i will wait. please specify how much i will wait for your response?
  43. (08:06:30) Muppeth: zlax, email has been sent to the user you reported asking him to stop harrasing you. If his activities won't stop (meaning flood of comments) and you will report him again (which we will investigate), we will escalate our actions. For the future please use support@disroot.org email address to report such issues.
  44. (09:23:05) zlax: Muppeth: Not surprisingly. Previously, your user sent out well-paying neocolonial ads in fediverse - but this spam  did not prove to be a problem for you as you benefit from promoting the Kyoto protocol and the neocolonial renewable energy industry. Now your other user is breaking 3 rules of your pod, 5, 7 and 8 of your rules at once:
  45. This leads to the shutdown of other servers - but again, it is not a problem for you, because your user's hate is directed at me, who you have repeatedly irresponsibly accused of lies, and then you immediately abruptly stop the dialogue, so that you do not have to answer for what you say. I am surprised that you sent an email warning to your user afterwards, rather than joining their spamming. In my opinion, you are displaying two-faced and hypocritical behaviour. Double standards. When it is in your interest to break the rules, you do not notice it.
  46. (10:00:37) fleg: I was always under impression that everyone would benefit from switching to renewable energy, guess it's mainly Muppeth after all
  47. (10:47:15) lordkek: zlax: just get a new domain or something
  48. (10:47:27) lordkek: Enable fail2ban idk
  49. (10:49:04) gog: zlax: you reported spam from a disroot user, muppeth contacted and warned the user. If future misbehaviour occurs the user will meet consequences. So I don't see why you are accusing him so much. I propose to chill and see if that user improves their behavior and be done with it.
  50. (11:00:51) zlax: fleg:
  51. > I was always under impression that everyone would benefit from switching to renewable energy
  52. sorry: https://grist.org/article/report-going-100-renewable-power-means-a-lot-of-dirty-mining/
  53. http://theconversation.com/fairtrade-renewable-energy-shedding-light-on-clean-energys-dirty-secrets-100263
  54. https://www.theverge.com/2019/2/15/18226210/energy-renewables-materials-mining-environment-neodymium-copper-lithium-cobalt
  55. Last year, 70 percent of the world’s cobalt came from the  DRC, a country that has been a target of widespread criticism for its  labor practices, such as using children as young as six to work in  cobalt mines.
  56. I could recomend this video "Michael Moore Exposes The Green Energy Scam" for general brief: https://youtu.be/Zk11vI-7czE
  57. (11:02:13) zlax: lordkek:
  58. > Enable fail2ban idk
  59. i am against censorship, i try to do not use such methods
  60. (11:10:20) fleg: zlax: oh boy, what energy sources would be better then?
  61. (11:13:29) fleg: I mean, nuclear is pretty cool, but I think we need to investigate other options as well
  62. (11:19:51) zlax: gog:
  63. > So I don't see why you are accusing him so much.
  64. This is not the first time. Specifically, this spam is beneficial to Muppeth - so he does not take any active action.
  65. The previous time there was an account for promoting "deception". In Michael Moore's terminology. I will be more specific:
  66. Moore won the 2002 Academy Award for Best Documentary Feature for Bowling for Columbine, which examined the causes of the Columbine High School massacre and the overall gun culture of the United States. He also directed and produced Fahrenheit 9/11, a critical look at the presidency of George W. Bush and the War on Terror, which earned $119,194,771 to become the highest-grossing documentary at the American box office of all time... etc etc
  67. For Muppeth, as a resident of the West, it was an advantageous advertisement. He did nothing in that case, although at that time original disroot spam channel was making clones at different hubs, blocking comments and doing a well-paid promotion of Greta Thunberg. It was profitable for Muppeth.
  68. In this case, Spacedream deals with harrasing against me, and shares the dreams of space travels. Here is a message from Muppeth to me that he also believes in space travel organised by the Nazis:
  69. https://ussr.win/link/3443531
  70. "wow. This is the biggest lie you have ever posted here."
  71. It could be considered as harrsment in my culture. In my culture it is customary to be responsible for words. But Muppeth has repeatedly made offensive statements about me (mostly in parallel chat rooms) and has always evaded responsibility under various pretexts. In my culture, such behaviour is not characteristic of conscious individuals, but of teenagers bullying each other under the influence of emotions.
  72. He again has a common interest with the spammer (who regularly violates other points of the pod's rules), no active action is taken.
  73. (11:20:52) fleg: wait, Muppeth is being paid for that? Who pays him?
  74. (11:22:25) zlax: fleg:
  75. > wait, Muppeth is being paid for that? Who pays him?
  76. No. Please read more carefully:
  77. For Muppeth, as a resident of the West, it was an advantageous advertisement. He did nothing in that case, although at that time original disroot spam channel was making clones at different hubs, blocking comments and doing a well-paid promotion of Greta Thunberg. It was profitable for Muppeth.
  78. (11:23:16) zlax: He simply let others make money for his neocolonial "renewable" future.
  79. (11:23:18) fleg: how it is profitable to him?
  80. (11:23:54) fleg: I'm a resident of the so-called west, where can I sign up to also get money for doing promotion of renewable future?
  81. (11:24:21) zlax: fleg: This was not considered as spam despite my references to funding and specific financial statements. He believed (and probably still believes) in a bright, renewable future. This spam was useful to him.
  82. (11:25:12) fleg: so believing in the future where we don't polute the earth with oil and coal is profitable to Muppeth and therefore wrong
  83. (11:25:21) zlax: fleg:
  84. > I'm a resident of the so-called west, where can I sign up to also get money for doing promotion of renewable future?
  85. https://www.insidephilanthropy.com/fundraising-for-climate-change - just a part
  86. (11:28:59) zlax: fleg: > oh boy, what energy sources would be better then?
  87. e.g. local, which do not use profitable international economic instruments to extract and process the resources in colonies required for "renewable" energy, using slave labour.
  88. (11:29:28) fleg: what those local energy sources are?
  89. (11:29:53) fleg: I guess wind and solar are out of the question
  90. (11:37:12) zlax: > what those local energy sources are?
  91. it is not commercial wind and solar generators sold to you by capitalists:
  92. https://www.imperial.ac.uk/news/153886/fires-major-cause-wind-farm-failure/
  93. https://cdn.jpg.wtf/futurico/ca/9e/1553066979-ca9e6edd53c754a4e46514b84cff8f5b.jpeg
  94. https://ve.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_prjzw3x90e1w5pr9j.mp4
  95. https://diasp.eu/uploads/images/def552da6cd523b307f2.jpg ( https://diasp.eu/uploads/images/def552da6cd523b307f2.jpg)
  96. but for example self made wind and solar generators are fine:
  97. https://www.ps-survival.com/PS/Windmills/Turbine-Generators/index.htm
  98. https://www.ps-survival.com/PS/Solar/index.htm
  99. (11:37:36) zlax: https://www.imperial.ac.uk/news/153886/fires-major-cause-wind-farm-failure/
  100. https://cdn.jpg.wtf/futurico/ca/9e/1553066979-ca9e6edd53c754a4e46514b84cff8f5b.jpeg
  101. https://ve.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_prjzw3x90e1w5pr9j.mp4
  102. https://diasp.eu/uploads/images/def552da6cd523b307f2.jpg
  103. (11:38:23) zlax: fleg: any questions?
  104. (11:39:23) pfm: zlax: Influenced by your emotions you don't sound like a reasonable person. Take my advice, make your reasoning clear instead of using populist techniques of accusing a person without providing any reasonable evidence. (No, it's not reasonable that Muppeth benefits from some user's spam messages taking your infra down.)
  105. You also say you're against censorship but you expect others to do it by silencing a user?
  106. (11:41:21) fleg: zlax: so we can't buy wind or solar generators because some of them cought fire and some of them were destroyed by hail, I think I get it
  107. (11:41:26) fleg: caught*
  108. (11:41:40) pfm: zlax: relax, think this through, write down what's wrong from your perspective and share it maybe. But remember that nobody has to agree with you because people tend to have opinions and they often differ widely.
  109. (12:07:33) zlax: > Influenced by your emotions you don't sound like a reasonable person.
  110. I have no any emotions. I think it is your personal projection. I am always quite straightforward and do not use gentle and politically correct terminology accepted in the empowered society. I try to call things by their names and use concrete terminology. And then i translate it into English. It may be perceived by someone as emotional, but i will notice that this is your personal vision.
  111. > You also say you're against censorship but you expect others to do it by silencing a user?
  112. No. I never silenced any human. Even SEO/spam accounts - i try always to check maybe it is human - before deleting. I can t show wample right now but i could next time - i ask in comment directly - "are you human or bot - please answer"
  113. By the way spacedream banned and silenced me more than year ago. After that he continues promote his space dreams in my posts (i did not used censorship against him all this time - now he started send spam). And spacedream also promotes other nazi ideas, for example about Jews extermination. Early from his main account - now via his virtuals, like this: https://framasphere.org/posts/10267006
  114. He does not make such publications from his main account, but he makes related comments to like-minded people: https://diaspora.egroc.de/posts/15501
  115. As i understand that it is ok for Muppeth considering that user harassing me and believing in nazi organized space travels too, as Muppeth. So there is no problem, no rules violation...all fine, as in the case with well-paid "renewables" spam.
  116. (12:11:11) fleg: so does he get paid for the posts abour renewables in real money or just dreams about better future?
  117. (12:12:03) fleg: I'm not even trying to open the can of worms which is "nazi-organized space travel", but I think I saw a movie once about nazis living on the moon, so this one sounds pretty believeable
  118. (12:12:45) Kris: lol, just leave him be. he is clearly living in a very strange ideological bubble and no matter what you say he will not be convinced of the opposite right now.
  119. (12:14:58) zlax: fleg:
  120. > so we can't buy wind or solar generators because some of them cought fire and some of them were destroyed by hail, I think I get it
  121. no. as a rule, most consumers buy electricity (and all of this is fed by grants, it is a very expensive but profitable event). And thanks to the renewable lobby, Western consumers prefer "renewable" energy. There is a minority that installs generators on their own sites, but as rules, these are privileged landowners. But here, too, it still rests on colonialism - on batteries. Western consumers prefer lithium.
  122. (12:18:05) Kris: as an apparently priviliged person who has tried to install a lithium powered solar system I can tell you that it is almost impossible to get anything other than lead acid batteries for home installation.
  123. (12:20:58) zlax: fleg:
  124. > so does he get paid for the posts abour renewables in real money or just dreams about better future?
  125. I think orginal channel (something like "fridays for future fediverse") get paid. I had a conversation with him - it was German young man.
  126. What about Muppeth - as i understand - he was not paid in this case, he help to promote well-paid neocolonial spam voluntary.
  127. Here details about that promotional campaigning: http://www.wrongkindofgreen.org/2019/01/17/the-manufacturing-of-greta-thunberg-for-consent-the-political-economy-of-the-non-profit-industrial-complex/
  128. (12:28:57) zlax: fleg:
  129. > but I think I saw a movie once about nazis living on the moon, so this one sounds pretty believeable
  130. It is not customary to talk about this in a empowered society, but the space race was organized by the Nazis:
  131. So the U.S. government hatched a plan to bring 88 Nazi  scientists captured during the fall of the Nazi Germany back to America  and get them back on the job. - https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/why-us-government-brought-nazi-scientists-america-after-world-war-ii-180961110/
  132. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Paperclip
  133. the same was true in USSR:
  134. From 1946–1950, Gröttrup was in charge of the more than 170 German  specialists brought to Branch 1 of NII-88 on Gorodomlya Island in Lake  Seliger. The German team was indirectly overseen by Sergei Korolev ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sergei_Korolev), the "chief designer" of the Soviet rocketry program. - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Helmut_Gr%C3%B6ttrup
  135. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Osoaviakhim
  136. I try to use specific terminology - space travels organised by the Nazis.
  137. If any of my words seem emotional - please note, i will explain. I usually speak very concretely, but it's not always clear, as the interlocutor may not be aware of many specific nuances.
  138. (12:29:54) Kris: oh an nearly 100% of the currently commercially used Lithium comes either from Australia or Chile. both rich more or less western countries that benefit very much from this mining.
  139. (12:30:51) zlax: Kris:
  140. > lol, just leave him be. he is clearly living in a very strange ideological bubble and no matter what you say he will not be convinced of the opposite right now.
  141. Do you mean Spacedream or Muppeth?
  142. (12:31:24) Kris: 😅
  143. (12:36:06) zlax: Kris:
  144. > as an apparently priviliged person who has tried to install a lithium powered solar system I can tell you that it is almost impossible to get anything other than lead acid batteries for home installation
  145. yes i know. here people use car batteries from Kamaz for it. but Western consumers use a lot of lithium in their common modern products.
  146. > oh an nearly 100% of the currently commercially used Lithium comes either from Australia or Chile. both rich more or less western countries that benefit very much from this mining.
  147. yes: https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/JCXuxugpGspKiGgJQRrtSh6JEC0=/0x0:2040x1360/920x0/filters:focal(0x0:2040x1360):format(webp):no_upscale()/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/13766694/VRG_DSN_3233_001.jpg - both - Australia and south america - are Western colonies. In Australia English colonizators contain natives in reservations. But lithium is not the only thing that Western consumers need for comfortable use of renewable energy.
  148. (12:42:23) Kris: yes they have a colonial history. but claiming they are colonized today is nonesense (as opposed to some other places)
  149. (12:45:50) fleg: zlax: it is not a secret that both USA and USSR snatched scientist from the Nazi Germany (hell, this is a point made by many mainstream documentary TV shows about it, nobody even tries to hide it, as there's nothing to hide). But saying that "it was organized by the nazis" is not only intentionally misleading, but also as unclear as possible. Missing, for example, the fact that not every German living in the Nazi Germany was a Nazi.
  150. (12:48:26) zlax: Kris:
  151. > yes they have a colonial history. but claiming they are colonized today is nonesense (as opposed to some other places)
  152. I don't want to convince you. But please try to convince me. Try to find out which specific companies are mining and processing lithium in these countries. I am 99% sure that there are no South American or Australian Aboriginal owners or beneficiaries of these companies. As a rule, indigenous people are categorically against all such developments, but neocolonial interests do not take into account their opinion; these interests take into account the opinion of the market, i.e. consumers.
  153. (12:52:08) Kris: as of today the persons in charge of these companies are as far as I know born in these places. as have been their parents and grandparents. probably even longer back than that.
  154. (12:52:47) Kris: they might not have aboriginal anchestry, but they are very much natives of these countries
  155. (12:56:54) zlax: fleg:
  156. > But saying that "it was organized by the nazis" is not only intentionally misleading, but also as unclear as possible. Missing, for example, the fact that not every German living in the Nazi Germany was a Nazi.
  157. Actually, all German scientists stopped being Nazis when they organized the space race in the USSR and the USA. Formally only one of them turned out a Nazi - Untersturmführer SS and "the Father of US Space Flight", Baron Wernher Magnus Maximilian Freiherr von Braun. But it was by pure chance that one of the concentration camp inmates recognised him and made public statements about it from London, already in the middle of the Apollo project. All other German scientists according to the documents, just like Von Braun was from the beginning - not Nazis until now. Although some of them were not Nazis, they loved to be photographed in a Nazi helmet, sending astronauts (even on shuttles) into space:
  158. https://ussr.win/photo/1180d52f-50e0-4f22-b8c2-802f56ec835d.jpg
  159. The irreplaceable and the only head of the launch pad, who  "sent into space" all US astronauts in Mercury, Gemini and Apollo, was  the German Günter Wendt.
  160. (13:02:05) zlax: Kris:
  161. > they might not have aboriginal anchestry, but they are very much natives of these countries
  162. Looks like a fairy tale. Please try to convince me. Tell me exactly what kind of companies are mining.
  163. I don't believe in such fairy tales, because i live in a territory of a raw material colony of the West and i know how all this is organised. For example, as a result of THK becoming THK-BP, world oil prices are falling and gasoline prices are rising for the population of the colony.
  164. (13:04:08) Kris: australian mining companies are some of the biggest in the world. you are probably "colonized" by Australians then 😉 but it is nonsense to claim Lithium comes from current western colonies.
  165. (13:09:58) zlax: Kris: Australia is not even independent country. It is feudal colony of UK. Western human rights activists don't talk about it, but the British colonizators tried to exterminate local aboriginal people less than a century ago. Common colonial practice. I am sure 99%: there is no aboriginal interest of native australians in this mining companies. Please say me the name of major lithium mining and processing companies. And next - i will show you who is beneficiars.
  166. (18:37:26) zlax: Muppeth:
  167. > If his activities won't stop (meaning flood of comments) and you will report him again (which we will investigate), we will escalate our actions
  168. After your email he continues violate article 7 of the Disroot ToS, points 1&2:
  169. https://ussr.win/link/5948778
  170. This is not "flood of comments" yet, he just continues "Harassing and abusing others". However, i have not yet replied to any of his messages. Please specify how many messages there should be from this user so that i can send another message  to you for taking further action.
  171. (18:38:42) Muppeth: zlax, like i said send email to support@disroot.org this is not  a place to report abuse.
  172. (18:47:47) zlax: Muppeth:
  173. >  Contributing to the discrimination, harassment or harm against any individual or group.  That includes the spread of hate and bigotry through racism,  ethnophobia, antisemitism, sexism, homophobia and any other forms of  discriminatory behavior.
  174. i can show many examples of direct antisemitic appeals in comments from this user on russian language...but as i understand this is not the problem for you as for like-minded space dream person. After all, it is on some kind of cyrillic gibberish, so formally it is not a violation of civilised laws.
  175. > like i said send email to support@disroot.org this is not  a place to report abuse.
  176. Given previous experience, i would like to draw public attention to this issue. In my opinion, transfer to personal correspondence is an attempt to let everything down on bureaucratic brakes. I would therefore prefer to continue this public address here. I sincerely hope that you will not use the ban when somebody contacting you about spam and harassing from your user via chat room.
  177. Therefore, i would ask for your answer to my question here, not in my personal mail. I would like to thank you in advance for it.
  178. Please specify how many messages there should be from this user so that i can send another message  to you for taking further action?
  179. (18:58:59) Muppeth: zlax, I do not see the post you linked to be a harrasement. It is lacking content. I dont understand your point. If you think this person is invading your space, you have instruments to silence him yourself. to answer your questions, I cant give you a number because that is ridiculous. I will monitor the situation and if this will continue, I will decide with the team what actions to take. You have reported a situation, we will check, talk about it, decide and take action. but again, if you think our response is slow, you do have tools in your hand to solve it right away on your own. if you dont want to use those tools which you have at your disposal, then you need to wait until we will make a decission based on your report. I aske dyou to send email to support because you could keep sending us links building the case yourself. I dont think everyone here wants to read it. Again, as much as I disagree with you in some aspects, and have very different opinion about your own activity (which personally I think is harmfull as it spreads conspiracies, deception, half truth and accusations), I do not treat your report nor request any other then as if anyone else would report it. I keep my personal view on your activities aside. Just like with your previous report, where you wanted us to silence a user that was reposting "Friday for future" posts form twiter. You view it like paid political ads, and we were in disagreement about it. As I told you, I have asked the person ruuning the channel to lower the amount of posts because indeed (and I agreed with that part of your report) it was a bit on the spammy side. We were in disagreeemnt as to the content of the posts but that's besides the issue. Again, if you as a server admin dont want o to see some content, please use your admin powers or accept to see things you disagree with.
  180. (18:59:10) avg_joe: zlax:
  181. I'm getting fed up with your demanding tone of voice.
  182. Now first of all you're going to explain to me in what way "don't be tricked by this manipulator. or you will be in trouble later with him, i told you. better pay attention before too late." is harassing or abusing?
  183. When exactly can I expect an answer please?
  184. (19:05:00) zlax: avg_joe:
  185. > When exactly can I expect an answer please?
  186. This is a continuation of the previous statement. A little higher in the thread:
  187. https://ussr.win/link/5947457
  188. once Ivan showed up in my early posts and asked me to include him in to  my friends circle. i was very green here that times and was too naive, i  did it. later he start stabbing me in my back without reason, attacking  me in public and painted me by his sht very aggressively make people go  away from me. i asked him many times to stop doing this but he  sadistically laughed on me ans said in ultimatum form "NO! i will  follow you and i will keep harassing you, for make sure you will not  spread any info here about 'plasma scientists" anymore, which i was  trying to share with people. its how he literally destroyed my life on  D* two years ago. i suffered tree times deep depression about his  multiple attacks. when later i told him that he just laughed to my face.  he not feel sorry about what he's done. later i find many more people  here which he did same to them. very darky soul and extremely smart  manipulator. evil, 100%. and now this guy (same person or group of them  behind this nick, we don't know for sure) trying to lift up "smart  talks" and create good legend for cover up his self. no one must trust  him. also he only criticised "westerns" but never his own oligarchy  money mafia manipulators. its just not good for him to talk about what  his own hoverments doing bad to his own nation. double-faced  manipulator, obviously.      
  189. Such comments about me every day, several times a day. I left the links above - i can show you more.
  190. (19:06:12) zlax: avg_joe: In Russian, there were direct curses and death wishes in my address from him. I will show you if you are interested.
  191. (19:10:08) avg_joe: Gosh no. That's all much too dramatic for me...
  192. (19:11:18) zlax: avg_joe:  example from last days - https://ussr.win/link/5894907 - you could use automatic translate. and i can translate it for you
  193. (19:38:41) zlax: Muppeth:
  194. > zlax, I do not see the post you linked to be a harrasement
  195. after spam delivery he come to another my post where i discuss with another user and write main pattern of his harrsments about me:
  196. https://ussr.win/link/5947457
  197. "...later i find many more people here which he did same to them. very darky soul and extremely smart manipulator. evil, 100%..."
  198. Somewhere at this time you were wrote to him. I had not yet reacted in any way after his spam attack. After your warning he continues comment my post in his style:
  199. "don't be tricked by this manipulator. or you will be in trouble  later with him, i told you. better pay attention before too late."
  200. He calls me manipulator only because i publicly disclosed how he asked me for money in personal messages, and it turned out that he was asking for money 'for investment' from other users of diaspora before (between his political agitation and plasma drugs ads).
  201. > If you think this person is invading your space, you have instruments to silence him yourself.
  202. I do not use censorship principally.
  203. > to answer your questions, I cant give you a number because that is ridiculous.
  204. Okay, tomorrow i will respond to some of his comments in my style, i will mention your appeal and strictly forbid him to do so again. As far as i understand, this will provoke him to another spam mailing. After all, anti-semitism and harassing someone you hate just as much as he hate - are not problems for you.
  205. > I dont think everyone here wants to read it.
  206. If they don't want to read, they just will not read it. Meanwhile, someone might find it interesting. I know of at least two users from whom this user previously asked for money to invest in super projects in personal messages.  I think it is a fraud considering his other agenda. Maybe there will be someone else he has previously contacted about this dubious investment requests (he practiced this two years ago).
  207. > which personally I think is harmfull as it spreads conspiracies, deception, half truth and accusations
  208. There is no way i am agitating or imposing information that i know. I am interested in topics related to collective traumatic experiences, and i collect documents on various topics in order to be able to quickly justify my position in discussions. For every word i say, i am ready to answer, and i am also ready to admit my mistake.
  209. > Again, if you as a server admin dont want o to see some content, please use your admin powers or accept to see things you disagree with.
  210. I am not in favour of solving problems by power. I prefer discussion and dialogue - not the use of powers.
  211. (19:43:16) pfm: zlax: could you please explain which part of "send a mail to <...>" you don't understand? For me it's quite a clear statement / request
  212. (19:44:56) Muppeth: >I am not in favour of solving problems by power. I prefer discussion and dialogue - not the use of powers.
  213. zlax and yet you are. Not tlakign about this perticular situation as it's totally differnt, but your previous one where you were preasuring me to silence an account that you simply disagree with basedon your political views. But you have voiced it already today here showing your bias and accusing me of one so that i think is sort of behind us. Just wanted to point out you do use censorship but using other people's hands.
  214. Again, I do find your posts here disturbing the general mood of the room. Esepcially long posts. You made your case clear and the fac tyou want our answer here in the room in public. No need to keep posting (not to call it spamming though soon it will be one). Please wait for our response. you dont need to post things here. We know how to find it. Thanks.
  215. (19:54:16) zlax: pfm:
  216. > could you please explain which part of "send a mail to <...>" you don't understand?
  217. I understand it well. Here my answer:
  218. Given previous experience, i would like to draw public attention to this issue. In my opinion, transfer to personal correspondence is an attempt to let everything down on bureaucratic brakes. I would therefore prefer to continue this public address here. I sincerely hope that you will not use the ban when somebody contacting you about spam and harassing from your user via chat room.
  219. (19:55:15) Muppeth: you already did. now please let others enjoy the chat.
  220. (19:58:50) Muppeth: and just to make things clear here for the 100th time. non of your previous requests were ignored. in fact the previous request you refer to was also reported on publi xmpp room and it was publicly discussed there and I have publicly informed you about the action taken and the decission.
  221. (20:13:46) zlax: > but your previous one where you were preasuring me to silence an account that you simply disagree with basedon your political views
  222. It was the other way around. I applied for a spam channel that broadcasts political advertising to other hubs (he blocked personal messages to his clones and did not reply to his email). Instead of taking any action, you started insulting me (i still have this logs - i can remind you of the insults you expressed to me in that case), it was based on your political views - as you were supporting Greta Tunberg and this "renewable" campaign at the time, this spam was in your interest. Like the ongoing harrasment of your user towards me, it is also in line with your interests.
  223. > Just wanted to point out you do use censorship but using other people's hands.
  224. I am not asking you to block him, don't try to shift the responsibility for your actions to me. I am only pointing out that your user systematically violates different ToS points of your server - and it is up to you to decide what to do with it. I am not asking you to shut him up. But i ask you to do something or make an official statement that when a systematic violation of your rules occurs in your interest, it is not a violation of the rules (as it happens most often in real life)
  225. > Esepcially long posts.
  226. I try to answer all questions aked to me in maximum details.
  227. > (not to call it spamming though soon it will be one)
  228. I wouldn't mind. You've already insulted me many times before, i think you're close to it. Use the power of the admin - to solve this problem - systematic harrasments, antisemitism and mass spamming from a user with whom you share views about space dreams and hatred towards me personally. I would not be surprised that this will happen, as such "problem solving" is quite expected.
  229. > Please wait for our response. you dont need to post things here. We know how to find it. Thanks.
  230. Ok. But i will answer questions asked to me and comment assumptions about me from your side.
  231. (20:24:21) pfm: zlax:
  232. > Given previous experience, i would like to draw public attention to this issue.
  233. More like public waste of attention...
  234. (20:34:40) Fede: I propose to ban zlax for harrasment, spamming and spread false accusations on others with different points of views
  235. (20:46:46) zlax: Fede:
  236. > I propose to ban zlax for harrasment, spamming and spread false accusations on others with different points of views
  237. Please give an example of harrasment and spam from my side. And please explain which of my statments you recognize as false accusations.
  238. Thanks in advice. Otherwise, i can only take your words as cruel joke.
  239. By the way, i expected such a purely Western solution to the problems. There was already a similar case with the mastodon nodes - they did this after i made a similar request about a commercial SEO ads from their server violating their own rules (the author of the channel confirmed that he publishes paid advertising) - i kept that thread (they deleted it to hide it from others) . I can show you - i recommend to look on a previous precedent of this kind before making any decisions. Just say and i will show you these archived thread. I'm trying to document such public appeals, because i've come across Western moral principles of trouble solving before. I will not create any intrigue; later i plan to make a publication with a collection of archived threads of such precedents.
  240. (21:48:20) sflm: zlax: not really l, I was aware before. Thanks for the offer. I now know where to find you.
  241. (21:49:37) antilopa: Dear zlax,
  243. We have reviewed your report under two points.
  245. 1. User spacedream spamming under your posts
  247. 2. User spacedream harassing you in comments under your posts
  249. On 1st point, while reviewing your request we have noted that you have/are involved in the same activity which can lead to conclusion that both you and the user you report are having some "private war" we do not wish to take part in (example https://diasp.eu/u/laurastern). Warning the user and asking to stop is in our eyes sufficient decision. We will be monitoring the situation for next 48 hours to see whether the spammy nature of the posts continues and if that is the case, the user will be temporarily blocked until he reaches out to us and assures he will stop with spamming.
  251. On 2nd point, of harassment and death threats as provided by you in the post: https://ussr.win/link/5894907 , we indeed do recognize a worrying tone of user spacedream. At the same time, a post provided by you earlier, https://ussr.win/link/5947457 , indicates that both you and the reported user have history of abuse together and the user seems to be posting under emotional breakdown (as he stated in the post). Therefore instead of immediate block, our current action will be similar to the one from account no. 1. We will reach out to the user (already did) with a warning and if threats and harassment continue, the account will be blocked until user reaches out.
  253. Seeing as the nature of the situation is rather an ongoing, long conflict between your two, instead of banning the user, which will not solve any issue at all (the user will simply create a new acocunt on new instance), we will try to reach out to the user and convince him to rather block his connection with you zlax to prevent further engagement that leads to abusive relationship. We advice you to do the same in order to stop this conflict and try to coexist without harassing each other.
  255. As you specifically requested to be answered via this channel, we decided to adhere with this request. This is the last you will hear from us on this subject here. For any further complaints please use support@disroot.org just like everyone else.
  256. (22:32:08) zlax: antilopa:
  257. > we have noted that you have/are involved in the same activity which can lead to conclusion that both you and the user you report are having some "private war" we do not wish to take part in (example https://diasp.eu/u/laurastern)
  258. I do not think that the request to remove me from their contacts is spam. It was answer to "her" simmilar messages:
  259. https://ussr.win/link/4773857
  260. https://ussr.win/link/4773867
  261. https://ussr.win/link/4773884
  262. https://ussr.win/link/4773899
  263. https://ussr.win/link/4773955
  264. etcetc
  265. (please check this links and time before answer)
  266. And please check this thread:
  267. https://ussr.win/link/4647804
  268. Laura Stern is a virtual of this group of "hactivist girls" of the same "troll-factory":
  269. https://ussr.win/photo/0edaf481-ad8a-4cb4-bf58-df1733cc423d.jpg
  270. https://ussr.win/link/5309617
  271. For some reason, virtuals and propaganda distributors are starting to spam my posts, apparently hoping to provoke me to reciprocity (sometimes i reciprocate), they try to spread their personal projections about me after my disclosures of their activity.
  272. I hope that repeated requests to remove me from contacts of  a virtual who has previously systematically spammed my posts is not an excuse to refuse to consider similar spam from your user.
  274. > the reported user have history of abuse together and the user seems to be posting under emotional breakdown
  275. This user has already been removed from other pods, as a result - he is trained and conducts his activities under different accounts more carefully. The statements that he makes about me are not true, he builds himself up as a victim - apparently counting on this kind of misrepresentation. Ask him to confirm at least one of his words about me. I can confirm any of my statements with a concrete example (except for the demonstration of correspondence where he asked for money - it was removed from the Hubzilla after removing me from the connections - but he does not deny it). He is not the only one who does this. Moreover, i can show examples of similar behaviour on the part of other users towards me. But your user spacedream - is the winner and yesterday he downed our server, 4GB swap was fulled after his more than 50 simmilar comments to my posts.
  277. > 1. We will reach out to the user (already did) with a warning and if threats and harassment continue, the account will be blocked until user reaches out.
  278. OK. I will answer to some of his messages later to observe his consciousness.
  280. > instead of banning the user, which will not solve any issue at all (the user will simply create a new acocunt on new instance)
  281. Yes, i agree.
  283. > we will try to reach out to the user and convince him to rather block his connection with you zlax to prevent further engagement that leads to abusive relationship
  284. Thank you, it's a pleasure to read this - i hope he will listen to what you have to say. He calls me an inhuman soulless jew - he ignores my requests.. Just please keep in mind - sometimes he appears in the comments of our common connections with his agitation (usually anti-semitism or promotion of his Iranian newage leader Keshe and his plasma business) - in such cases i comment on his comments (by the way, this spam attack was caused by one of such comments to his common agitation in somebody's coments - i can find this post - if you are interested).
  286. > For any further complaints please use support@disroot.org just like everyone else.
  287. I found this address here https://disroot.org/en/contact - and took advantage of the most convenient way for me. In my opinion, through the email, this situation would have been protracted in bureaucratic terms.

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